Deeper Roots.
Wider Branches.
Abiding Fruit.
We invite you to worship with us as we preach Christ from all the Scriptures in Bangor, Maine.
Sunday Morning Worship is at 9:30 a.m. Evening worship is at 6:00 p.m.
Wondering what you can expect visiting Pilgrim? Learn more here.
Sola Scriptura,
Sola Fide,
Sola Gratia,
Solus Christus,
Soli Deo Gloria
We are a Church grounded in the great affirmations of the Protestant Reformation: Scripture alone, Grace alone, Faith alone, Christ alone, all to the Glory of God alone.
Come fellowship with us!
Pilgrim Church is a gathering of Christians of all ages and various backgrounds. We are a family with the privilege and responsibility to love and care for each other. We warmly welcome people who are not from Christian backgrounds. Visitors frequently tell us how very welcome they feel at Pilgrim Church. So come visit!

“A welcoming community that is solid in its faith and theology. The church has been a blessing.”
— S. Paxton