Outreach & Missions
Pilgrim’s Outreach
Pilgrim OPC exists to worship God and to proclaim the saving gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ in Word and deed in our community. We seek to achieve this through these means:
Coffee Break Bible Study
Coffee Break is an opportunity for women to gather to discuss God’s Word, the Bible. It is open to any and all (Christian or non-Christian) who would like to learn more about the Scriptures and their message of God’s love in Christ. Coffee Break is on Tuesdays from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Monthly Worship Services
On the second Sunday of the month at 2 p.m., there is a service held at the Phillips-Strickland House in Bangor. On the fourth Sunday at 2:30 p.m. different members of the church Volunteer along with the Pilgrim OPC Youth Group in leading a service at the Eastside Rehabilitation Center in Bangor
Salvation Army Soup Kitchen
On the second Monday of every month at noon time, Pilgrim OPC provides food and ministry to those at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen.
Foreign Missions. Supporting church planting, seminary education, medical missions, and diaconal ministries in South America, Asia, Africa, Caribbean, and Europe.
Home Missions. Supporting church planting in New England and the rest of the United States.
Short-Term missions. Supporting efforts to encourage and assist the work of our full-time missionaries in their vital work.
Disaster Relief. Supporting the efforts of our church to respond with the compassion of Jesus Christ to those affected by disasters in different parts of our nation and world.
Alex and Suzanne Sarran, Mission to the World (PCA) missionaries in Lyon, France.
Phillip and Joy Kirkland, Mission to the World (PCA) missionaries in Athens, Greece.
Local Ministries
First Step Pregnancy Resource Center Supporting the Right to Life.
Shepherd’s Godparent Home Supporting the Right to Life and those in difficulties.
Grace Evangelical College & Seminary
Seeds of Hope Food Pantry
A Residential Mentorship Home for Young Men
“Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” – Proverbs 27:17
Visit the Tan House website to learn more: https://mensmentoringhome.org
In days past, it was a natural part of life for young men to be taught and guided by the words and actions of the older men in their lives. Sadly, this is no longer the norm in our society.
The combination of the breakdown of the conventional family model and the intense busyness of lives in general have created an environment where the mentorship of young men by older men is no longer a natural occurrence like it once was.
Often young men cross the threshold from adolescence to adulthood with no one to guide them or provide a living example of what it is to be a man of character and productivity.
The goal of the Tan House Ministry is to address this need in a small, local way in Bangor, Maine. It provides a residential house where up to 5 young men can live in a stable, affordable environment structured to provide Christian discipleship and encourage regular interaction with older male mentors.
The Tan House is located within walking distance of Eastern Maine Community College and on the bus route serving Husson University, Beal College, the Bangor Campus of the University of Maine - Augusta and the University of Maine at Orono. It is also within walking distance of the largest employer in the area – Eastern Maine Medical Center.
“A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel” – Proverbs 1:5
The house is organized under a model that is more like a hotel than a rental property. All the young men in residence are guests as opposed to tenants. This allows the Tan House to maintain a living environment consistent with our mission and keep costs to the guests at minimum. The monthly rate to stay at the Tan House is based upon a one-fifth share of the costs of operating the house.
The Tan House provides a unique housing opportunity for young men desirous of the environment provided by the Tan House mission & location, such as:
Young men coming to the Bangor area to pursue education or to start a career.
Young men aging out of the foster care system with no home or family support structure in their immediate future.
Young men committed to making a fresh start and to turning away from the mistakes of their past.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Tan House or how to apply for residency, please contact us through the Pilgrim Church office at (207) 942-8054 or churchoffice.pilgrimopc@gmail.com.
The Tan House Story
In 2017 the family of the late Dr. Yeow Tan donated her home on Mount Hope Avenue in Bangor to Pilgrim Church. Dr. Tan was a long-time member of Pilgrim Church and beloved friend and physician to many members of her Pilgrim family. Her home is located 4 doors down from the church. The Pilgrim Church congregation spent several months researching the possible ministry opportunities for which this gift could be utilized. Out of that research, the Tan House for Men was born.